Roby Marton Gin.When I saw her for the first time on the internet, I was captivated by her design, I was a fan of the gins and the distillates.
She began to inform me about her, I knew it was almost impossible for her to obtain it for my collection, but still I was still interested.
One day, I receive an email and it was they I could not believe, after all I have it and I keep it as a treasure, although it is true that my friends and clients have already tasted it.
But it is good to share information about certain gins that we are getting new to the market and are worth trying.
It is a gin that has a production of about 10,000 bottles between departure and departure.
It is produced in Italy, more specifically in Treviso, the production entrusted to a former distillery of Bássano , the historic capital of the staple.
Venetian gin follows the “tub” production method of the early 10th century in England where a mixture of herbs, spices, plants and roots is macerated.
From grains of the highest quality and a spring water.
After the double distillation, the spirit is placed in a container and the cold infusion is carried out. Afterwards the botanists are left to marinate for 10 days.
It is a gin that is not filtered so that the aromas and flavors are not lost because it is what gives it that yellow and turbid aspect.
Great amplitude of aromatic scents of berries of red color, anise and clove, nuances of ginger and licorice.
Featured botanist
Raphanus satinum, the Radish, is a plant of the brassicaceae family that is grown for its edible roots.
There are certain species that receive different vulgar names among other names such as white radish, Japanese radish or daikon.
Planta annual or bienal of axonomorfa root.Tail of 20 to 100 centimeters, erect, little branched, glabrous or something hispid at the base.
Basal leaves of up to 30 cm petiolate, in rosettes, lira pinnatisectas with two three pairs of lateral segments and one terminal of greater size, suborbicular; the superior ones of oval oblong lanceoladas.
Raise from 10 to 50 flowers with pedicels of 5 to 15 millimeters in the anthesis, 10-30 in the fortification.
Sepals of 6 to 11 millimeters and petals of 15 to 20 millimeters, white pink or violets more or less veined.
The fruits are indehiscent siliques from 30 to 60 by 6 and 12 millimeters patent erect with residual valve tissue of 1.5 to 2.5 millimeters seedless rarely monopermo and the upper 25 70 x 8 15 millimeters cylindrical longitudinally striated , with 2 to 10 seeds and finished in a conical peak of 10 to 15 millimeters.
The seeds of 3 to 4 millimeters of ellipsoidal truncated truncated reticulate green striated when immature that turn brown at maturity and are immersed in a dense white spongy tissue that develops during this maturation.
Originary of Asia or the Eastern Mediterranean introduced and cultivated in almost all the world sometimes escaped from crops in gutters, ribazos and baldíos grows from the level of the sea until 1300 meters of altitude and it blooms all the year.